Covid-19 and Anxiety – Meet Linda

Emergency Assistance and COVID-19 Relief

Linda had severe anxiety even before the pandemic. When Covid-19 hit, she was petrified - and became immobilized

Your gift allowed Linda to get the high-quality care she needed but could not afford.

In addition to her fear of the virus...

Linda faced economic insecurity for her family of four. Her husband lost his job at the start of the pandemic and her work shut down, as well. Being stuck at home, and unable to contribute financially to the family, increased her anxiety enormously. Eventually, it affected her ability to care for her children. The last thing this struggling family could afford was care for mental health.

The good news? The expert staff at JFS provide high-quality care for EVERYONE - those who can pay and those who cannot.

JFS offered virtual counseling sessions. Linda's counselor helped her identify those parts of her life she could control and helped her develop skills to manage her anxiety. Discussing concerns, verbalizing emotions, and realizing the power she had to keep her family as safe as possible helped her feel more in control of her feelings. Although Linda was worried about illness as her husband returned to work, she became more able to cope, and was even able to go back to work herself.

In a time when so much is out of our control, learning these coping skills has helped Linda to be less stressed and to recognize where her empowerment lies.


Helping the community during the Pandemic

  • Every JFS counselor has a full caseload. Since March, we have provided nearly 1,000 hours of virtual counseling sessions
  • We have helped almost 900 families stay in their homes, pay their utilities, or keep their cars.
  • In partnership with the Park City Community Foundation, the Mexican Consulate of Salt Lake City, and generous private donors to JFS, we have distributed over $415,000 in emergency funds.

JFS Cannot Do It Without You

Please spread the word bout our food pantry! We offer curbside pickup weekdays at our office on the corner of 500 East and 4500 South in Salt Lake.

Your donations make all the difference. Please support JFS as we help others with food, financial assistance, caregiver support, and counseling.

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