Meet the Gomez Family

Emergency Assistance and COVID-19 Relief

JFS is committed to repairing the world by helping all people get through challenges in life.

But what happens when life sends overwhelming challenges?

A fire. A new baby. Then Covid-19 adds job stress.

Thanks to you, JFS was there for the Gomez family.

In 2019, the Gomez family was in a secure place -- a snug rental home for the four of them and a good restaurant job for Mr. Gomez. They even had a little savings. But then, a house fire took their rental home and all of their belongings. It was tough managing this as their new baby was born in early 2020 -- and then Covid-19 hit. Mr. Gomez's work hours were drastically cut.

For the Gomez family, JFS's ability to serve as a one-stop resource providing a comprehensive system of care was critical. Without a lot of red tape, we were able to quickly provide online counseling sessions for the stressed parents and their two adolescent children. We provided help paying their rent and connected them with our Alex and Sally Lebwohl Food Pantry where they could access both food and diapers. With this comprehensive system of care, the Gomez family is getting back on their feet.

JFS offers personalized services that take into account all the issues a family might be facing. Our holistic approach makes it possible for clients to get through the challenges in their lives.

JFS Cannot Do It Without You

Covid-19 has created challenges for so many, but you have been helping JFS to meet these challenges. Sadly, the economic and social problems are not going away soon.

Ways to Help

If you are interested in helping a homebound individual with shopping or other errands, please contact Melissa Zimmerman

Financial donations to our Safety Net programs will allow us to keep providing emergency financial assistance, counseling, and food support to anyone in our community facing life's challenges.