Many in our community are still struggling to keep up, all while managing their anxiety and depression through these challenging times. People are feeling distressed and are desperately searching for tools to help them cope. Social isolation is exacerbating their problems. Learn more about how Jewish Family Service provides mental health services on a sliding fee scale, allowing us to reach clients at all income levels...

Will you help support those with therapeutic needs in our community?
Many in our community are struggling to keep up, all while managing their anxiety and depression through these challenging times. Feelings of hopelessness or of being a failure are prevalent after losing a loved one, from financial stress, losing a job, or from the increase in the Covid-19 case count. People are feeling distressed and are desperately searching for tools to help them cope. Social isolation is exacerbating their problems. JFS provides high quality mental health services regardless of clients’ ability to pay.
Since March, JFS has provided over 1,000 hours of virtual counseling sessions. Every JFS counselor has a full caseload.
JFS has provided parenting programs and Mindfulness and Coping Skills virtual workshops to help families through these difficult times.
Your donation makes all the difference!
A generous group of friends has stepped up to offer a $100,000 challenge match to help JFS continue to serve Utahns-in-need during this time of crisis. Your donation will be DOUBLED, which makes it possible for those who cannot afford, or easily access services, to receive urgently needed help now and into next year.
We cannot do this without you. Together we can strengthen the community.
How you can help:
- $750 provides a caregiver with respite help that allows much needed breaks from full time care for a loved one.
- $300 counsels a family in crisis to help them cope with addiction, job loss, depression, grief, and other emotional challenges.
- $50 brings music to a person with Alzheimer’s Disease through JFS’s Music and Memory program, connecting them to the world with beloved music.
Together, we are JFS
Thank you to the sponsors of our Challenge Match:
- Patrice Arent & David Mock
- Ann & Paul Bernstein
- Joy & Bill Erickson
- Amy & Ken Goodman
- Corree & Bill Grodnik
- Lisa Goldstein Kieda & David Kieda
- Lisa & Jerry Treiman
- Carol & Robert Wolff