Andrew’s Story-Safety Net Services

In a world where unexpected healthcare emergencies and unforeseen incidents can quickly spiral someone into financial crisis, we are happy to share an inspiring story that showcases the incredible impact of our community and the generosity of an anonymous donor. At Jewish Family Service, we take pride in providing emergency financial assistance to those facing eviction, utility shut-offs, and a myriad of crises, including healthcare emergencies and other incidents. It's a mission that resonates deeply with us, and it's stories like these that remind us why our work is so crucial.

Recently, an anonymous donor granted funds to Jewish Family Service to expand our Emergency Financial Assistance program. Their generous contribution enables us to reach even more individuals in need. Every month, we receive between 30 to 40 calls from people in crisis, desperately seeking help with their rent, utility bills, and unexpected healthcare expenses. These individuals are often teetering on the edge of homelessness due to unforeseen circumstances, such as sudden job loss, illness, or injury. Living paycheck to paycheck, even a temporary setback can lead to financial distress.

Andrew's life took an unexpected turn when he suffered an injury that left him unable to work for a week. During that time, he faced the harsh reality of not receiving his paycheck, which jeopardized his ability to cover his rent. Determined to avoid falling further behind, Andrew reached out to various service organizations in Salt Lake City. Fortunately, he was referred to Jewish Family Service. Andrew's situation was the kind we are here to assist with: he was back at work but needed a helping hand to catch up on his rent payments.

Thanks to the additional funding provided by our anonymous donor, we were able to step in and offer Andrew the support he desperately needed. When he visited our office to receive the assistance check, his gratitude was palpable. "All I had to do was reach out," he said as he embraced our JFS staff, overwhelmed with appreciation. With our help, Andrew is now back on track financially, and the weight of potential homelessness has been lifted from his shoulders.

Your support enables us to reach individuals like Andrew before they fall through the cracks, facing imminent homelessness, utility shut-off, or the financial devastation of healthcare emergencies and other crises. Every day, we witness the incredible strength and resilience of our community. Together, we are restoring hope.