Geesi’s Story

Emergency Assistance and COVID-19 Relief

Jewish Family Service is proud to be a resource in Utah and partners with many state agencies and nonprofits, who call us to help in unique, and often urgent, circumstances. A caseworker at Women of the World, an organization in Utah that helps forcibly displaced women make Salt Lake City their home, called JFS recently with just such a situation.

Geesi, a refugee from Somali, and her young child were in immediate need of housing. As is often the case in the winter months, all of the homeless shelters were full. Geesi was able to find a place to live, but she was in need of money to pay the deposit. Without those funds, Geesi and her baby would be homeless. After obtaining the required documents from the property owner, we were able to utilize the Refugee Assistance Fund (generously started by Carol & Ted Levy in 2017) to cover the deposit and a little extra to go towards the first month’s rent. Geesi moved into the apartment the day after the request came into JFS. We also provided Geesi and her child baby supplies and food from the Alex & Sally Lebwohl Food Pantry.

As an organization, we are unique in being able to provide funds and assistance quickly to individuals and families in need. We are extremely grateful to our generous donors who provide the funds so we can help our neighbors, like Geesi, make a new start.

JFS is here for everyone. 

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