Elizabeth’s Story

Emergency Assistance and COVID-19 Relief

Elizabeth, her husband Juan, and their three young children just celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday together as a family in a new house and with hope for the future, thanks to Jewish Family Service and generous donors like you.

The family fled political persecution in Venezuela and landed in the US in September of this year with little more than the clothes on their backs. A family member, who lives in Utah, offered a place for them to stay until they could get on their feet. Both Elizabeth and her husband quickly found work while seeking political asylum here, but needed food and to find a permanent place to live. Elizabeth reached out to JFS and connected with Tanya Alvarado, JFS’ Safety Net Coordinator.

Tanya and JFS’ generous donors mobilized quickly to help them. The family picked up food from the Alex & Sally Lebwohl Food Pantry and received Deseret Industries vouchers to get clothing for the children. JFS helped them financially with rent and another incredibly generous donor matched those funds so they could move into a new home in November, just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.

 “Truly, the community has come together so beautifully for this family and the clients feel more than blessed,” Tanya added. “She is in disbelief with how our organization has worked to help her family navigate and acquire the resources they need to sustain themselves in a new country.”

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